All That Glitters Touching The Sky

Private Jet Interior

All That Glitters: Touching the Sky

How do you determine when someone has truly made it in this world? What is one of the most luxurious items that creates the undoubtable aura of wealth? Well I for one believe that when I look over head and see a small plane that is carrying a specific VIP, I can clearly tell that person has made it. For anyone to have the wealth to be able to not only forgo driving but forgo paying even up to a first class ticket for a flight clearly states the utter value rested upon that person. In this installment of this blog, the history of private planes, and the luxuries surrounding them will be examined across history.

Early 1900's Luxury Aviation:

In the early 1900's, aviation was a rather emerging field. However though, it's high expense, sheer amount of prestige, and high level of practicability made aviation the perfectly feasible tool for the rich. Emerging aircraft technology within the earlier years wasn't very
Early 1900's Boeing Plane
glamorous at all. In fact it mainly consisted of one to two person rider planes that were propeller driven and made from wood
during the real earlier days. Nonetheless, aviation served as a way for a person to get from place to place much faster than the traditional car, and allowed for a ton more fun when piloting then driving.

Mid 1900's Luxury Aviation:

Mid 1900's Learjet
Since, the aircraft had now been around for a while, new technologies were added and the airplane was used in a much more different manner. The field itself changed to now accommodate many people at a time who wanted to travel far distances, the commercial aircraft was born. Just like with all things relating to luxury, when a field goes one way towards commercialization, it always has a separate sub section for luxury. The mid 1900's are where the truly private aircraft took off at. The newly implemented jet engine in accordance with the tubular, vastly aerodynamic, and safe plane body. During this time period was also when designers started taking their hands at luxury accessorization. Interiors and exteriors of planes started becoming wealthier looking through fine metal installments and premium paint jobs.

Modern Luxury Aviation:
Modern Gulfstream 550
In modern times, the aircraft is incomparable to what most looked like in the mid 1900's. The definition of the private aircraft changed modernly due to such a general hike it technology. The speed of the horribly rudimentary jet engines in the mid 1900s is nothing compared to those of today's private jet engines. Not to mention additions in such respects like paintjobs, scaling up the sizing on the jet to accommodate entertainment, and general piloting technology.

Gold in the Sky:

The private aircraft is truly something special within the rich community. The convenience it allows for its purchasers and the level of customizability to create the dream façade are both quite simply revolutionary. For a person to on any accord get up and decide to fly across the country in a cockpit made of materials even up to gold itself is a power that any person on this Earth could wish for, but that truly can distinguish the rich and their lifestyles.
