All That Glitters: Floating Wealth

Serene Luxury Yacht

All That Glitters: Floating Wealth

We have all seen media featuring a rich person of some sort, but what truly sticks out within a huge
chunk of these portrayals? The glorification of the rich and 
 powerful through  what is often their most expensive purchase (besides their house). This purchase is the king of the sea otherwise known as the luxury yacht. A yacht screams wealth within the rich community and it has for generations upon generations. However, the yacht has in many ways changed since its beginnings, and through this installment, we will  explore the way the yacht has changed. 

Early 1900's Luxury Yacht:

Jemima F. III
During the early 1900's time period, yachts had changed from the previous sailboat, to the highly popularized steam boats, yachts of the day were consistently observed with the signature smoke stacks and propellers. During this time period, yachts were relatively small, due to the popularization of luxury liners of the time, but they still epitomized wealth. As stated by a World Atlas the widely accepted start of the yacht was in 1908, when the longest motor-powered yacht in the world was built. It was known as the Jemima F. III and was owned by Charles Henry Fletcher. This was the start of the movement towards luxury yachts.

Al-Diriyah Yacht

Mid 1900's Luxury Yachts:

During the Mid 1900's yachts took a turn for the larger size. With the increased affordability of luxury liners, more of the rich of the rich turned to creating large structures for themselves and their passengers. Hence, the creation

 of the party culture surrounding yachts. With the massive amount of space now available, parties were easy to throw on board. Not to mention, with more space came more on board entertainment. This included the previously seen swimming pools, but it added such things as multiple lounges for passengers, and most importantly, dance floors. This led the way for what was yet to come within future yacht development. 

Modern Day Luxury Yachts:

145 X-Force Admiral Yacht
During the modern today the final evolution of the yacht occurred. Due to advanced technology and advancements in constructing of yachts, the rich of the rich decided that he previously generation's yacht size wasn't enough. Henceforth, the creation of the super yacht occurred and forever changed
the seas. Now, massive yachts the size of some of the luxury liners riddle the oceans showing off to onlookers the utter richness and influence that the owner has. The super yacht is so luxurious in fact that some may cost up to the billions making yachts by far the most expensive luxury next to houses.

In Reflection:

The Yacht industry has very much changed over the years of its existence. They transitioned from the noble creation of industry meant to assist people in their cross water body travels, to a multi billion dollar machine of wealth mainly used for joy rides out in the bay. Like observed with so many interests, the wealthy's huge appetite for luxuries has helped evolve an industry in a way that may never have been conceived possible back when the industry was first introduced. This then lends the question, what is next for this industry?


  1. I never realized just how extravagant the yacht became! I guess I always kept the idea of a small, private sailboat as the perfect sea-adventuring transportation, but I guess with the increase and dependence of consumerism in our country and world today, having an over-the-top boat to parade on the waters is the next best thing to having the most recent, up-to-date, hi-tech sports car driving at top speeds. What an interesting luxury, David! I wonder what the next generation will come up with in the world of boating.

  2. This really epitomizes the wealth amd affluence of the rich, all while making me a little jealous. Having a pleasure ship larger than my house seems a little excessive but hey, it helps with the redistribution of wealth!

  3. Interesting to the ways that people always want more. Bigger is better, right? I wonder what will be next. Those that have the money will find a bigger, better way to flaunt it.


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